Tuesday, July 29, 2008


No words in the language of man can fully define my current state. No paradox can explain how Paul can say that he is weak but at the same time strong. We can use all the logic of this world and conclude that "perhaps, the apostle Paul first experienced weakness then after, he experienced strength because its impossible to experience two opposing factors at the same time.. isn't it?" In the same way, we seal in different compartments the attributes of God. God is angry but at the same time, this God is love. And since we do not understand what both of these attributes mean, we declare it as a mystery that shouldn't be touched upon, hide it in the face of men and say that God can choose to be angry but instead, He loved you. Why is it that God cannot hate and love at the same time? Hate and love are not opposing factors. They are compliments. If you love children, how can you not hate abortion? If you say you love holiness and yet you are neutral and apathetic towards the things of this world then you're either insane or deceived by your own heart.

God can never be sealed in a box. He is infinite. Every attribute He has is real and at work all the time. He is not a machine wherein, He chooses to shut down His anger then loves. Both His wrath and love exists. This is what happens when we remove theology from the picture and mix the Holy Writ with the scrolls of men. The absolute concept of God is lost and what replaces it is a bunch of watered down truths that will lead your further from understanding Him and His sovereign will.

Much of the confusion that is happening today is because we have explained the things of God using the logic of man. We take a principle out of the Bible and expound it using worldly logic and godless psychology.

God loves sinners but He hates workers of inequity. Therefore, His hatred for sin, all the condemnation of His wrath was placed on His unblemished Son. Did He hate? Yep, His hatred was there only to be appeased by Christ. Did He love? Absolutely! He did this to demonstrate His love.

God is love but this same God comes with indignation towards sin. Why can't we understand the two sides of the coin? Why can't we see God as He truly is?

Well first of all, most of professing Christians are unregenerate. Sadly, they'll never understand Scripture because as said in the Scriptures, the devil has veiled their minds so that they wouldn't see. In our unconverted states, we do not desire the truth or are willing to receive it. Therefore, we alter it to make it "receivable" and "acceptable". We fashion the truth and convert it to a deadly dose of poison.

Second of all, we've taken away the Gospel and changed the message. The Gospel is the backbone of all teaching. It does not only reveal the entire redemptive plan of God. It also presents and magnifies His holy attributes. When the true Gospel is preached, understanding how God's hatred and love compliments each other is but a small task. But since we've watered it down, no understanding comes into our minds. And since we receive nothing, we fashion a clouded understanding based on the teachings of this world. What do you get? A god who wants to save men but cannot do so. A beggar jesus who wants to do good things in your life but isn't sovereign enough to do so. A man who is totally free and is the sole determinant of his destiny.

Lastly, we've not only taken away the Gospel but we've also removed doctrine and theology from our Churches. We've decided to give what the goats want to the sheep of God. And because of this, the very flock of the Lord starves for the hard truths of Scripture. Also, by removing both theology and doctrine, we lose all means of explaining the Holy Writ. And what do we get? Godly truths explained in worldly terms that feed the flesh and starve the soul.

How we need revival desperately in this age...

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