Saturday, August 2, 2008


Dear Father, before Your Most Holy Presence I come. I beseech Thee, trembling and afraid but with confidence and assurance that I can run into the forbidden space that no angel could dare enter, all thanks to Your Son, Christ Jesus, who formed grace, appeased Your wrath and forged Your holy Nation by His atoning blood.

Before Your throne I stand, weak but strengthened, lost but saved, in danger but rescued, all in accordance to the finished work of Your Son on the cross of Calvary. Oh how blessed is the one who looks at Thee! How privileged is man to look upon Thee, forgiven and enslaved to Your will! Praise be to Your Name, Lord! His Excellence of excellencies, Comfort of my comforts, Sword of all swords, mighty King of glory, all hail Your blessedness! Angels sing and chant endlessly about Your glory revealed through I, a depraved and puny man!

Lord of Hosts, let my prayer for Your will and kingdom be heard. Out of the sheer mercies of Your throne, I beg Thee to beautify Your Church, that she be aware of Your divine presence, Your flaming holiness, Your unspeakable wrath, Your perfect justice, Your incorruptible love, Your magnificent grace, Your awesome power, Your endless patience, Your sovereign kindness and Your unmatched Lordship over all things, both the living and the dead, from the ends of the universe and the unseen halls of the heavens.

Lord of Power, if it is Your holy will to deprive the Church of her food, that she may starve, learn to seek You in weakness and resolve, then let it be done in accordance to Your good will and purpose. But if it would please You more to bring her to the full counsel of heaven, uplifting her through pristine awareness, glorified, sanctified, with the knowledge of Your attributes, Your will and Your supernatural power on salvation, from justification to the regeneration of sinners, let it be so for the glory of Your sacred Name.

Father, a gentile such as I, adopted to Your family, grafted in the branches of Your blessed tree, remembers clearly Your sacred oath, the new covenant that Ezekiel and Jeremiah spoke of with much fear and trembling. The new covenant set by our Lord, author and finisher of our faith, who maketh man a slave to Your will, persevering till the end, with a changed heart, mind and nature that seeketh You and genuinely desireth Your pleasure... Oh how I wish that these truths be spoken in Your Church, unmarred and undefiled by the wiles of ignorant men and carnal principalities.

Lord of glory, make it easier for Your sons and daughters, that we, the weakest but strongest of all, be found, justified and sanctified, with the full knowledge of Your counsel declared in the Holy Writ. May Your Gospel be continually preached truthfully, powerfully and Biblically in the pulpits of men, in accordance to the foolishness You've declared for the glory of Your Most Holy Name.

Father of goodness, do you delight in Your elect stumbling because of their ignorance and weak stance? Oh yes indeed! For You are God and we are but creatures of despair. Everything You do is right and everything You do has a great purpose, let it be to shatter Your people in pieces to prepare them for eternity, deprive them of Your knowledge that they may starve and cherish You alone or be blessed with overflowing awareness of Thy Word, constantly walking with You in prayer that is not arrested by ignorance. Oh Father! You alone know what is good for us! You alone are right! Let Your will be done! Cover the world with Your knowledge! Let Nations fear You!

Dear God, we, Your elect, petition for the advancement of Your kingdom here on earth, the fulfillment of Your will, the lifting of Your Name, all for the glory of Your Son, in whom You had given all things, that He may wear the crown of preeminence. Let every man know You are a holy God, just and merciful, loving and kind, slow to anger and eternally patient. Let the world repent and be graciously spared, if it pleases You, if not then allow us to at least know You before we are cast into the flames of eternal sorrow. For You are holy and just, the sovereign Lord above all.

No prayer pleases You Lord unless Your hovering Spirit transforms the disabled language of men into the divine language of heaven. Translate mine into Yours, conform my life into Your will, let Yourself be found and in Your mercy and unrivaled compassion, fix our eyes unto You, the only One who really matters in this world of absurdities. Let our names be glorified that men would see us with hatred but know that we are of You. Let we, Your elect, glorify You in every tongue, work and lifestyle we could muster in this fallen world. Allow us to thrive in You alone, dwell in Your presence, with Your Son as the center of our joy and praise, cherished alone in His rightful place in our sensitive hearts that irresistibly respond to You, the divine Maker.

Let Your Church be glorified. Let there be total reformation in our preaching and exegesis, lifestyle and ministry, family and friendship, marriage and eldership, manhood and womanhood, all for the glory of Jesus the Messiah, the Holy One, the sent One and the only One who deserves praise and glory.

Father, in Your infinite blessedness and glory, lift us up for the sake of Your own Name. Let nothing strangle us, no serpent defile us, no evil dominate us, no problem pierce us, no lie deceive us and no sin draw us away and instead let us be placed in Your rich shelter, the fragrance of the Christ, that even if we struggle and fail, be deceived and sin, be cast down in loss and poverty, Your Name be glorified and proclaimed in accordance to Scripture, the Word, Your very breath that giveth life to dead bones. Do all these for Your glory that if an angel might look upon us, he would fall flat on his face worshiping You for Your unfathomable love that is holy, sovereign and motivated by no one outside of You.

Lord, revive Your Church, cast us into repentance and faith, sorrow and joy, despair and hope, sadness and gladness, all for Him who set us free from the just curse of our lineage. Let us be saved as one, regenerate as one, breathe as one, live as one and be knowledgeable and fruitful, with much pleasure and pruning. We hold on to the promises of Your new and fulfilled covenant that driveth all heavenly beings to bend their knees in worship and awe, amazed by Your sovereign decisions and actions. By Your Word we believe, have trust and live. By Your Spirit we thrive, exist and worship. We have irrevocable victory by Emmanuel, whom we imitate, cherish and behold as the Giver and Taker of all life, the just and holy Judge of the white day and the Husband of the Bride, Your Church born in Zion the mountain of the Lord, glowing and fragrant with the true Gospel of the Lamb. To all these I say, amen, in the Name of the beginning and the end, amen to the Lord of lords and King of kings.

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