Saturday, August 9, 2008


God's unconditional love does not mean "He loves everyone and everything". This notion is not found in Scripture. It is also disastrous so assume such because this would mean that He would love the devil. No. He is discriminate in His love. "Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated", says the LORD.

I know "God loves the devil but the devil just won't allow God" is an ear-tickling theology. But it is not valid since the "God loves the devil" principle is never found in Scripture. The opposite is actually written. In Psalms 5, God says that He hates all workers of inequity. This in fact also includes us which is why for us to be forgiven, His wrath was poured unto His Son in Calvary.

So, then, what does God's unconditional love mean? It means that God's love is not based on the recipient's merit or virtue. He loves those whom He chooses to love out of His abundance, not because the recipient had some merit that others did not have or the recipient had somehow obligated God to love him.

God did not love us because we deserved it or because we earned the right to be loved. Neither did God love us because He was obligated to. Nay. God loves whosoever He pleases based on His own nature, which is by definition - love.

Unconditional does not mean - universally applied. What it means is that it is not regulated by any condition, good or bad, existing in the recipient.

This is what unconditional love means - His love is totally dependent on His choice alone, not the existing attributes of its recipients.

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