Thursday, May 8, 2008

What Does It Mean To Be Open-Minded?

Being open-minded does not mean being open to other beliefs outside of the Bible. The Bible is clear and it is the one and absolute truth. There is no other book like it and nor will there ever be. Being open-minded basically means that you are considering the fact that your interpretation of Scripture might be inappropriate or out of context. It does not mean that you readily accept every other belief or consider anything outside of Scripture. The Bible clearly teaches that we are to test the spirit whether it is in the truth or not. And how do we do such? By comparing it to the standard which is the Bible. In closing, open-mindedness simply means to be teachable but at the same time discerning of the truth of Scripture. It does not mean to universally accept everything that sounds good but to learn a greater and deeper truth within the context of Scripture.

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