Sunday, August 31, 2008


I love watching movies. This may sound secular and to some extent, a bit worldly, but I believe that through watching films, you are exposed to a myriad of fictional but realistic characters that deal with life. Thus, you are compelled to exercise discernment and if possible, relate to the given characters with sober judgment. Films, in a way, are windows to the minds of our present generation. Indeed, you can distinguish a nation from a country by the quality of movies it produces for the yearly film festivals.

Sadly, most films today are just a waste of time. I still watch them though for the entertainment and curiosity, the latter being my primary reason. I'm not so much of a critic and I hate giving negative comments but I seriously think that movies have a become a bit imbalanced nowadays. A bit too much of humor can be harmful, especially if there is no discretion. A few years ago, I would love to go and watch a humorous film for the fun and laughter. But now, after seeing the "dirty, sticky humor" of modern day films, I'd rather not. In fact, I'd be much afraid to watch such films and choose to flee so as not to increase the garbage in my already polluted mind.

So with the little free time I have, I've been searching for some good old movies (2006-2007) that I might have missed. Finally, I found one of the romance-epic types that is not only powerful, astounding and magnificently done but deeply perplexing as well.

"Curse of the Golden Flower" reminds me of "Hero" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", two of my favorites among the traditional romantic epic types and if I may add, the BEST ones out there so far. I rarely blog about movies even though I love viewing them. The primary reason is because though I'd love to see all the movies out there, I seldom deem a film as "worthy". You can practically count the movies I have wrestled with. Even those famous romantic films that gets the entire crowd wiggling fail to enter my list of favorites. This is not because of my high, mighty or arrogant judgment but simply because the love and the overall romantic air present is simply unprofound. In harsh and bold words, such films are superficial and immature.

Now back to "Curse of the Golden Flower", I would give it a rating of 10/10 for the storyline (which is why it has entered my favorite list on the first place). The story and melding of characters have always been the delight of my wary eyes. I'm not going to spoil the film but the script and observable themes are simply amazing. Heroism, deception, honor, ambition, pride, skill, nobility, illicit affair, the demands of the law and many more themes were brilliantly drawn throughout the film. It wasn't a typical battle of good and evil but an honest contest of characters with well drawn charisma and realistic states.

Each of the three brothers symbolize three very different men with totally different insecurities, aims and affections. The youngest one is the most innocent and impulsive of all three, thus, the most easy to corrupt. The middle son obviously has committed an unknown trespass and was banished to the frontiers of the war, away from home for three long years. He among the three has advanced to the farthest, growing in maturity, skill and honor. The eldest, though the favorite son and crowned prince, has a weak heart that is easily flailed by infatuation, emotion and dread. When cornered, his honor melts and his but little wisdom loses its ground. The empress, seductively beautiful with an ever increasing sense of wisdom has been a slave to her insecurities. A typical woman of tradition and beauty, I must say, the queen has the same problems of a woman who seeks to be fulfilled emotionally and physically. Lastly, the king, the father and the warrior, all three in one, powerful, wise, outwardly virtuous and dead cunning but has failed to truly conquer human depravity and all its corruption. All of such characters plus a few twists, a bed of dark secrets and cunning maneuvers are all part of its well crafted plot. Not to mention its deeply woven soundtrack which creates a temporal melody of tradition and sorrowful bondage.

The central theme, for me, is devotion and heroism as demonstrated by the middle son, followed by the sad theme of deceit and cruelty, and lastly, how love, when not given in its due terms or fulfilling the requirement of both spouses, results to further pain within the family, insanity among its members and ultimately, tragedy in all essence.

Ah.. indeed.. it was worth the watch...


...and now I address the children of God. Spiritual liberty, brethren, you and I enjoy if we have "the Spirit of the Lord" within us. What does this imply? It implies that there was a time when we had not that Spiritual liberty—when we were slaves. But a little while ago all of us who now are free in Christ Jesus, were slaves of the devil: we were led captives at his will. We talked of free-will, but free will is a slave. We boasted that we could do what we pleased; but oh! what a slavish and dreamy liberty we had. It was a fancied freedom. We were slaves to our lusts and passions—slaves to sin; but now we are freed from sin; we are delivered from our tyrant; a stronger than he has cast out the strong man armed, and we are free.

- C. H. Spurgeon


"Seeing then that we are so corrupted in our souls and that there is neither thought nor affection which is not utterly perverted, let us not think it strange that God with his own mouth pronounces us dead, despite the fact that through our own foolish pride we imagine that there is some life in us. And that is the very thing that St. Paul deals with now in saying that the Ephesians were partakers of the above-mentioned grace, though they were dead through their own sins and iniquities. [Eph. 2:1-5] As if he should say, In order that you may the better esteem the value of God's grace and what it brings with it, do not think only upon your present state, but consider what would have become of you if God had left you such as you were in yourselves and had not succored you at all, but had let you follow your own course. Consider what your nature is, for you were dead, and there was no hope that you would ever be quickened again, because it is not in the power of man's own free will to give himself life again when he is dead already. Know therefore that God drew you out of the pit of total ruin, in other words out of the bottom of hell, when he vouchsafed to adopt you to be his children and to call you to the knowledge of His Gospel."

- John Calvin

Friday, August 29, 2008


All notes taken from Paul Washer's Sermon about Missions:

-yes you belong to our Church were God is working but is God personally working in your life? Is your character being refined by Him as an individual?

-our problem is not a lack of zeal for missions, it is bigger than that, it is lack of zeal for God

-we are not strategists and missiologists, rather we are theologians and prophets and are primary task is not to do missions, our primary task is to take the truth, God's truth as revealed in God's Word, to the world

-not to be just culturally sensitive to the places that we go but to be Biblically sensitive.. and not to be pragmatic and doing what we think will work, but to do what is right, in accordance to Scripture, whether it works or not.


Believer, there is no benefit that can be derived from living outside the will of God. What benefit can you get from sin?! What joy can you draw from it?! For you, regenerate man, who is under the ownership of the Lord of lords and the King of kings, worldly pleasures are no longer pleasures. They are deceiving, temporal and wickedly crafted bouts that take your mind away from eternal things. They bring disgust to the eyes of the heavens and pain in your life.

Stop sinning man of God, flee from temptation and offer your body wholly as a living sacrifice. Stand on His truth and believe in His overcoming power that triumphs over sin. You are no longer what you were before so do not put on the things that you wore before. Rather, put on Christ, because His image is what you are now. Though you have been an eaglet in a chicken farm, rise and fly as an eagle for that is what you really are! The Scripture says, you are the salt, you are the light and you are the branch. You are not like the salt, like the light or like the branch. You are the salt, the light and the branch. You are recreated in true righteousness, holiness and godliness. These are the Words of God so there is no reason for you to doubt.

Be sober at all times, calm, serious and unaddicted to the world and its vices. Free yourself from every snake wrapped around your body and every leech stuck in your flesh. Christ did not just die for you to atone for your sins. He also lived a perfect life for you so upon repentance, His righteousness is imputed in you. You are not only saved from hell but also saved from sin! So then, let us follow Him. Let us know Him. Let us seek Him. And let us live for Him until He bids as to come home. Amen.


In the past months, God has been pressing upon my soul the reality of spiritual training. Even after regeneration and years of walking with God, we are still highly vulnerable to both sin and deception primarily because our new natures are housed in a body of unredeemed flesh. Secondly, it is because our senses, natural reactions and even the deepest expressions of our hearts are so trained in sin, deeply corrupted by our old sinful selves.

It is true that there is great magnificent power in regeneration. A regenerate man is a new creation. He is eternally changed possessing the same Holy Spirit that hovered across the waters in the beginning and the same incorruptible nature of Christ. But he still has to undergo a lot of "unlearning" in his life. He has to discipline his body to make it a slave to his new nature. He has to renew his mind constantly so as not to believe the deception that "there's not much difference in being a Christian" or "being like Christ is just a dream". He has to abstain from the things of this world and refrain from learning from the ruler of this fallen world. Ultimately, he has to learn more about God through His Word, seek Him constantly in prayer and have fellowship with his fellow believers so as to have every aspect of his new life influenced, sustained and completed by God, Himself. Obedience then comes as a by product of sanctification.

All the efforts of God are directed into a single act: to conform His children to the image of His Son so that Jesus Christ, as said in the Epistles, would be the first born among many. And as God conforms you to His image, subdues you by His will and guards you zealously from the devil, you will find yourself cleansed from your ancient idols and He glorified in the highest place. As He works in your life, God is glorified by all creation for taking such a puny, wicked object and transforming it to a saintly, godly being. And you in turn also glorify Him with your testifying life and ultimately, find yourself glorified through Him and by Him who has worked in you. All these are results of His great power, infallible character, divine love, sovereign mercy and perfect holiness. What an impossible God! Truly He deserves all praise!

Believe not a lie, discipline thy body and be conformed to His image, always seeking to be governed by His will throughout your entire existence.

Monday, August 25, 2008


For athletes, the Olympics is not just a contest of skill. It is their life. They have trained their entire life for that moment. They made sure they ate the right kind of food. They made sure that their height, weight and other physical attributes are in complete harmony, nothing in excess or lack. They woke up early in the morning to train callously. They read journals about their specific events. They suffered their bodies to attain the physique of a champion. They have indulged themselves in every form of knowledge, technique and practice to advance their speed, flexibility, stamina and strength. Winning the Olympics has become their life, dream and purpose.

Watching young athletes strive for the gold made me realize how great our mission is. If a small earthly event such as the Olympics can be the life, dream and purpose of athletes, how much higher is the standard for us Christians who have an eternal calling from an eternal God? I am compelled to ask myself: how much time and effort am I investing in conforming my character to the image of Christ? Dear Christian, is God your life, dream and goal?

As believers, we are running a race that men know not of. The Prophet Jeremiah says, we race against horses, not men. Every follower is destined to run the race of his Master. It is not a secret that such race may cost the believer’s career, reputation and even his life. What has preaching the Gospel cost you? How many scars have you endured for advancing His Kingdom?

Indeed there are many blessings in the life of a Christian but such blessings do not always come in earthly prosperity. Our ultimate purpose is to glorify God in this dark and fallen world.
We are to advance His Kingdom so that all will hear and see the one true God who deserves all praise. We are to expand His saving knowledge for the sake of His Name. Our lives should be an example and testimony to the living God. In this manner, watching unbelievers will find no cause for conflict and be led into repentance.

In six years of walking with the Lord, I’ve realized how holy God truly is. There was never a time in my life where I had esteemed Him in the way He deserves. My very existence is but a gust of wind against a high and mighty wall. The Lord deserves everything we have. Every bit of thought, utterance and act should exist for the glory of His Name. Our possessions, baseball mitts, comforters, cabinets and even our frying pans should be slaves to Christ. Your home, your car, your office desk, your television set, everything that you own and hold dear should be held in captivity to the Lord of lords. How high indeed is our Lord that no mouth or hand could ever truly praise His Name!

If athletes can train hard everyday, manage their diet and discipline their lives to develop their potential beyond normal statistics, why can’t we do the same in kingdom terms? We are not mere Olympians. We may be the least in this world but we are the most privileged in His land! Oh, how I wish to be a fiery Christian, subdued by the cross and constantly dwelling in the presence of the consuming flames of God? But how many times do I find the world more pleasurable than God? Indeed, I had used His grace in several occasions as an excuse to pursue carnality. Ah, how the incorruptible mercy of God, undeserved and perfected in Calvary, which we are generously commanded to embrace, is the only hope that we ever have.

The day would surely come when moths and dusts would eat our unredeemed flesh and our liberated souls will meet our Maker in the sky. But before that glorious day comes, we are to be what we are: slaves of the living God. Ah yes, on earth or in heaven, we are but trembling bondservants to His Word, always concerned with His will, constantly seeking Him in prayer and knowingly working to spread His fame among the nations.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I know I can be a hypocrite at times but I'd rather stand up for the truth than dwell in falsehood. My allegiance is to my Father not to men. I'd rather be called a judgmental, hypocritical evil incarnate by men than be called an unfaithful servant by God. For what are words of men compared to the Words of God? IS there any comparison between the two?

Ah, once again, I am compelled to speak of those brick buildings that claim to bear the Name of Christ. Why indeed do we want to make the Church relevant to men when the Bible teaches that it is not and that's the way it should be? Isn't separateness from the world one of the marks of the true Church? The Bride of Christ is the Bride of Christ. She is not everyone's property. Neither is she called to please men. She answers to one Person alone and that Person is Jesus Christ. As believers who also happen to be part of her, we should protect her from the taunts of the crowd through intense prayer and sound preaching.

Jesus dresses His bride with His fabric. He laid down His life for her. He purchased her with His blood of the Cross. Who gives you the right to conform her to the world so that she'll have more suitors when she only needs Christ to sustain her? Do we have such a low view of the Church of God that we have to give a cheap prosperity invitation so that men would walk down the aisle and say a prayer? Or are we just afraid that the mob might kill us if we preach the true Gospel that truly glorifies Jesus and satisfies His sheep?

Dear Christian, even if you do not see the results, even if your Church is half empty, please do not lose heart and preach the Gospel faithfully. Do not be swindled by the crafts of Satan. Lest Scriptures says so, do not bring forth a teaching that feeds goats. Feed the lambs of God with wine, meat and honey. Disregarding doctrine, upholding prosperity teachings, introducing pop culture and removing the offense of the cross interest the carnal and wicked mind because such acts are carnal and wicked! Such pursuits bring no glory to God and are forms of betrayal to Christ and His teachings. They are signs of spiritual prostitution and lack of faith in the hand of God to operate in the life of a sinner.

The message of Christ is for the pleasure of Christ even though it gives life to dying men. It is not relevant to men because it is intentionally not meant for men. It is for the glory of God. The salvation of man is just a by product of the preaching of the Gospel. Are we not like like those foolish and bewitched Galatians who loved a watered-down teaching when we disregard doctrine, embrace pop culture and make the Gospel more relevant to men than God? In fact, we are worse than them. At least they understood the holiness of God even though they combined faith and works in terms of salvation.

The Gospel is the Gospel. It needs no enhancement, packaging, reduction or addition. Of course, we can use different approaches and methods of sharing as long as we remain faithful to the teaching, preaching Christ crucified, the depravity of men, the regeneration of the saints and the grace of God that gives no room for works.


One of the greatest problems in modern day Christianity is our low view of God. God is holy. In Hebrew, to be holy means "to be separate". Therefore, when the Scriptures speak of God's holiness, it does not only pertain to His morally perfect character but also to His uniqueness, being separate and different from everyone else.

How it grieves my heart to see ignorance abroad and the crafts of Satan at work in this present generation! When God appears to man, He always presents Himself as a holy God. If only we could understand such holiness, we would not doubt the sufficiency of Scriptures. Knowing the Bible comes from a holy mouth, every professing believer would look at it with a holy reverence that causes them to cultivate their lives with it. Neither would men think less of the Gospel or reduce it when they know it is a message delivered and made true by an infinitely holy Being who deserves all praise.

Men need to know how holy God is because that is what God truly is! God is holy. He is different. He's not just a bigger or better version of you. He is completely different from you. If only we could understand this, it will change everything: our view on sin, our worship services, the way we preach, the way we live... everything!

Knowing God is holy is seeing the enormity of your sin. Such applied understanding will make you esteem His Name above all other names. As Isaiah, upon hearing the cries of the seraphs "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord!" cried out "Woe is to me!" so shall you, blessed believer, call curse on yourself and be broken over your sin when you grasp His holiness. How I am ashamed of myself. If not for the cross, I would find no reason to get up in the morning. I would simply cry out under my blanket for mountains to bury me and hide me from His just and holy wrath.

Knowing God is holy will also change the way you worship Him. You will never have to decide between wearing dress shoes or sandals when attending Sunday services. You will never have to ponder about what to wear or how to act. With a firm, Scripture-grounded understanding of His holiness, you will run to your closet and choose the best clothing that you can find. And even after finding it, you will look upon it in disgust and shame knowing that even though it is fit to wear, it brings no true pleasure to the Father.

How you would live trembling with a holy reverence all the days of your life if you truly knew His holy Name through His holy book by His Holy Spirit! There would be no need for you to ask, "How then shall I live?" You will fear Him, acknowledge Him, cherish Him and worship Him, hating everything that He despises, from curse words to swearing, from worldly movies to ungodly character, from Gospel reductionism to pop cultural Christianity. For the instinct of the regenerate heart is to fall flat on the ground in worship, pursuing eternal things that magnify His glory while the instinct of the flesh is to run in the opposite direction, masquerading dislike for holiness as freedom.

Ah, yes! Holiness means to be separate. To live separated from the world unto Christ, abandoning oneself and the pleasures of this world while dwelling in the holy presence of God with a humble confidence that stems from Calvary. This is what freedom truly is: not to be your own master but to be a slave to a holy Being who is eternally good. True freedom is to bring every thought in submission to His Word and to subdue every ounce of your will, bringing your entire existence in captivity to Christ Jesus. Ah, how this will finally be a reality when He comes again!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Its been a hellish period for me. Weeks of depravity and carnality has demented my famished soul. I've been pursuing the things that I know were wrong. I've been walking in the dark, as if I were a pagan, blind, lost, clothed with the fabric of sin. I am ashamed of my flesh. I am pitiful, worldly, lacking every ounce of spiritual clarity and resolution.

I have been given a great motivation that never runs dry, a strong discernment from a Word that never perishes and an awing heart from the Most High, but how so weak is my flesh?! How I so easily give in to laziness, to idleness, to worldliness, to sin, to carnality, to godless chatter, to ungodly passions that bringeth me away from His presence. I have openly defied the decrees of heaven with full knowledge of His glory. How so weak is this unredeemed flesh? Indeed, how so weak am I?

I've been through so much lately. Wrestling with the devil has weakened my resolve. Too many times have I used His sovereign grace that is able to keep me blameless as an excuse to indulge my soul with the things that God hates the most. Too many times have I derived pleasure not from His infallible Word, but from the world that seeks to hide the face of Christ, esteem Him not and distract the minds of His elect from eternal objects. Too many times have I placed myself in a comfortable pattern of living, pleasing the flesh, living in deceit, allowing the constant pressures of the enemy defile the temple of His Most Holy Spirit. Too many times have I run for comfort, not into the arms of God, but into the pits of past that were supposedly crucified with Him. Too many times have I openly rebelled against the Lord of lords and the King of glory, who maketh the greatest captain weak and the weakest slave strong! Indeed, how so weak am I?

In this battle in which I hope to finish soon in accordance to the delaying hands of the Lord, I seek not only genuine repentance but continual renewal of character. I seek to be better, to be conformed into the image of His Son so that I may be a complete slave to His will. How I dearly wish that every thought that springeth from my mind and every word that cometh from my mouth be but powerless captives of Christ, the One who is holy and just. Ah! What struggle indeed has befallen me, a hell-bound sinner but saved by grace, regenerate but still of the flesh.

As I listen to Him once again, I hear the voices of those angels that fly passionately in no idle circle, crying, night and day, dawn and dusk, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts! The earth is filled with His glory!" And I take one look at the change in my life, from sinner to an undeserving saint, eying every aspect of His imperishable seed that deserves not to be planted in my heart, ah yes, just one look at me and His cross and I would forever fall down on my knees mimicking the voices of His sound and refined multitude. How indeed does the cross and the changes brought by it makes me want to joyfully treasure Christ Jesus as the one true Master!? How I am drawn to advance His kingdom in this generation of folly and deceit?! How I am compelled to concern myself with one thing: His holy and good will, which is both my food and my life, the reason for my existence and my very sustenance.

Things have changed. I've decided to embrace my destiny once again. From the ashes of despair, the mounds of insanity and the chapels of hatred, deceit and lust, I'm back, old but new, deeply grieved but overjoyed, pressed but strengthened, empty but filled, lost and found again by the Lord who speaketh Words of kindness and love, holiness and justice, mercy and grace.

Its good to finally be back.... again....

Saturday, August 9, 2008


God's unconditional love does not mean "He loves everyone and everything". This notion is not found in Scripture. It is also disastrous so assume such because this would mean that He would love the devil. No. He is discriminate in His love. "Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated", says the LORD.

I know "God loves the devil but the devil just won't allow God" is an ear-tickling theology. But it is not valid since the "God loves the devil" principle is never found in Scripture. The opposite is actually written. In Psalms 5, God says that He hates all workers of inequity. This in fact also includes us which is why for us to be forgiven, His wrath was poured unto His Son in Calvary.

So, then, what does God's unconditional love mean? It means that God's love is not based on the recipient's merit or virtue. He loves those whom He chooses to love out of His abundance, not because the recipient had some merit that others did not have or the recipient had somehow obligated God to love him.

God did not love us because we deserved it or because we earned the right to be loved. Neither did God love us because He was obligated to. Nay. God loves whosoever He pleases based on His own nature, which is by definition - love.

Unconditional does not mean - universally applied. What it means is that it is not regulated by any condition, good or bad, existing in the recipient.

This is what unconditional love means - His love is totally dependent on His choice alone, not the existing attributes of its recipients.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I want to go home and find my place of rest
I'm tired of all these tests, I'm just tired
Loneliness has always been my greatest ally
In finding You and pursuing Your good will

But I'm tired Lord, I'm just tired
Will you take me home with You?
Can you just empty this unredeemed flesh?
To free my soul that longs to see You?

There's no sense of me being here
There's no real life in here, there's no real joy here
There's nothing but empty brick buildings
There's nothing but me struggling

All this is a sham, a hoax, a dream
Shall there be life in this dead valley?
Shall there be movement in this city?
Shall there be a trace of pure joy in my life?

Nay, my only joy is in You
My only joy is in You
So take me home that I may truly live
That I may see You and bow endlessly
I'm tired of myself Lord..
Close these curtains and let the old man sleep


When I was a new Christian, I thought all there was to Christianity was to serve God. To pour out your entire being in service to Him, this was my motto. As I grew up, I realized that there were far more important things than service. There were far greater things than virtue or knowledge. But now things are different. I have been enlightened by His Word and from that day onwards, everything has changed.

I am deeply sad. It hurts to see my brothers and sisters struggle in ignorance. How I pray for them dearly.. that their eyes would be opened to the painful truth.. that they're ears would hear the once glorious message of life.. and be satisfied with Him alone.

The Church, the bride of Christ, has been muddled throughout the ages. And although the promise of Christ remains, she is in dire need of revival. Her pulpits must be cleansed. Her courts must be brought into light. There is an urgent need to restore her to her former beauty and strength.

I cry out to the Lord to bring these dead bones back to life, as He did with some of us. If not for Him, I would still be blind, wandering the world with no power to overcome and no cause to believe.

But I believe. I believe in Him. No sadness or grief can take away the joy that I have with Him. I have been born again, raised from the dead with a new nature. It is not I anymore. I hold to His finished work on the cross and His sovereign grace that is able to keep me safe until the end.

Even if everything falls out of place and nothing seems right, I have no need to worry. All I have to do is to be still and pray that He moves. How glorious would that day be? The day when He would show up, take His rightful place and cleanse His Church from the piles of deception she embraced. One day, its going to happen. Perhaps in my time or generations after me, nevertheless, it shall come.

I am proud of my generation. To see reformation going on everywhere just makes me want to bend my knees in worship. How merciful is He to bother Himself with such puny beings?

To God be the glory...


If I were to describe you in the simplest prose
You'd be the winter leaf, a captivating mystery
You'd have the softest voice, the sweetest whisper
Chaste in inner beauty, of which I could not bear

And if you are of such, I'd be the summer leaf
Who wishes to bring you the deepest warmth
Perhaps an unattractive opposite, distant in time
And no matter how much I gain, I'd never rhyme.

In utmost gratitude to Him, I see you everyday
Yet I know I'll achieve nothing so I try to look away
But my eyes find yours, though seasons apart
Hopelessly wishing for your tender heart

I wish to wait, to hope, though it means pain
To lift you in prayer, though it means strain
I'd do anything for you.. to prove that I'm true
And even if I'm rejected again and you call it a day
I'd have no regrets, you were worth the risk
Coz' I know that I can live no other way
But to make you believe and stay

Sunday, August 3, 2008


"We shouldn't go around condemning people. Jesus did not come to condemn men but to save them. For goodness sake! Its not working! Drop the microphone and just tell them you love them and encourage them. Help them with their needs. Joy and laughter should be the center of our lives not condemnation and negative preaching."
-- from an "anonymous Christian"

Here is my response to this common argument.

First of all, the Gospel is the Gospel. We cannot water it down, reduce it or adjust it to the standards of men. The message of God, whether you like it or not, is an offense to the flesh because it reveals the enormity of your sin and the holiness of God. If you take away the sinfulness of man and the command to "repent of all your sins" in your evangelism, you are no longer preaching the Gospel. Instead, you are preaching a gospel that does not change life, gives false security and brings no genuine conversion.

Second of all, it depends on how you define "condemning people". If condemning people for you means something like "You are all going to hell! Repent and believe! God is angry! He is angry with all of you!", I would agree that such evangelism is no longer a message of life even though it is true that we all deserve hell. But if "condemning people" for you means explaining the wickedness of every man, convincing the unbeliever that he or she deserves the wrath of God and that he is unable to save himself, then I see no problem. In fact, failure to mention the sinful nature of mankind, the wrath of God or the need to repent in our evangelism is a betrayal to God, His Word and to the person you are sharing the Gospel with.

Thirdly, lets take a look at the phrase "Jesus did not came to condemn the world but to save." This is true but used out of context. On Jesus' first coming, He came to save the world, not to condemn it. So its true BUT!!! on His second coming, He will come to condemn no longer to save (the very opposite of His first coming). So to say that Jesus does not condemn is one side of the coin because we all know that He is coming back to judge the world, laying his hands on his elect and casting unbelievers on the lake of fire.

Fourthly, lets take a look at the phrase "For goodness sake! Its not working!" This is true but neatly twisted (again -- sigh). Its true that even if the true Gospel is preached it will never work.

The Gospel is foolishness to man. Who would believe a message that openly declares man's disobedience and depravity? Who would believe that God came in the form of man to save mankind from their sins? Who would believe that Jesus received the eternal condemnation that we were supposed to take? Who indeed? No one. Unless God moves, opens the heart of the person and changes his very nature, no one would believe or receive such an "absurd" message.

In the same way a fish does not know its wet, men are not aware of their sin or the enormity of it. They do not know how holy and infinitely worthy God is that is why they do not understand why they deserve His wrath.

The Bible says that we, in our unregenerate state, are blind, are unable to save ourselves, have no interest in God's kingdom, are God-haters, are children of the devil, are slaves to sin, are fallen creatures of despair and last of all, depraved sinners who according to Job, drink down inequity as if it were water. That's what we are in our unconverted states.

Men simply do not want the truth nor want to receive it so its true that preaching does not work. Even if the full counsel of our Lord were preached in the most eloquent tongue, it still won't work. Men are dead and are unable to respond to divine stimuli. So what now? How is it that men, upon hearing the Gospel, are internally changed and saved if it does not work?

Its simple: Ezekiel 36 and all those verses in the Old and New Testament that explain the new covenant answers it. God moved! God moves to change the nature of the unbeliever so that he can hear and receive Christ! He regenerates man supernaturally!

Preaching the true Gospel is both the deepest burden and greatest comfort to the preacher. It is a burden because when a true preacher stands before unregenerate man, he knows that if God does not move, there will be no true conversion and his words would be puny gusts of wind against solid stone statues. But it is also his greatest comfort, because he knows that his work is resting on the power and sovereignty of God. He does not have to entertain men to keep them awake or conform his message to the whims of the crowd. He simply preaches diligently in accordance to the will of the Father and relies on the Holy Spirit to move on his behalf. He knows that if God does not move, nothing will happen. But He also knows that if God does move, there will be true conversion. So his work, burdensome it may be, is resting on the shoulder of God.

For the fifth point, lets examine the phrase "Drop the microphone and just tell them you love them and encourage them" First of all, who said that preaching the Bible's testimony against unregenerate men is NOT love? Who said that convincing men the truth about their sinful natures is NOT love?

Would you prefer a doctor who hides the truth because they want to encourage their patients? Or would you want a doctor who will tell you the raw truth about your state, risk his reputation, put himself and his entire career on the line in the name of love?

We do not need preachers who will feed our flesh and starve our souls. We need preachers who will feed our souls and starve our flesh. We need men of God who know Him and are willing to put themselves in the line for the sake of telling people the truth.

This is what true love is: to tell men the truth about themselves, to explain the reality of hell which all deserve and convince them of the cross of Christ that redeems the vilest offender and finally, to expound the Biblical process and assurance of conversion. This is true love. Not to skip the issues about their disease, let them jump into evangelical hoops, give them a false security and share a masterfully twisted gospel that causes their sight to become worse, leading the astray even more.

On the issue about encouragement, lets take a look at how deluded this idea is. One thing you have to understand is this: if its the truth, whether it bring you down or lifts you up, its the truth. It doesn't matter if you want to hear it or not. If the Bible says something, you ought to listen hard and listen well. We have this false notion that if something bring you down, its bad.

My dear friend, Jesus called Peter "Satan" and many times did he emphasized his lack of faith and discernment. This would have brought anyone down. I'm not saying we should discourage our brothers. What I am saying is that, we shouldn't focus on how it affects us. Instead of asking, "Is this negative or positive?" we should ask ourselves "Is it true or not?"

When the Bible says all have sinned, its true and we ought to praise God that His Word is true. In this deep statement, "All have sinned" we find ourselves guilty, "falling short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Yes it brings us down. Yes it hurts us and reveals the enormity of our sin. Yes it brings guilt and shame but is this not the work of God? Is this not the will of God? To create repentance in your heart? Don't you see that repentance starts with being broken down over sin? It begins with realizing your unfaithfulness to a faithful God and ends with you crying to God to save you?

The issue here is not whether it uplifts you or not. The issue here is whether it is true or not. And if it is true, you ought to praise God that you can still hear the truth shared in this fallen world.

Would you rather have the people be deceived and think well of themselves? Or would you rather have them hear the truth no matter how painful it may be so that some of them would fall under the conviction of God, repent and in the end, be saved by the Lord from the eternal fire?

For the sixth point, lets now take a look at the phrase: instead... help them with their needs. Dear sheep of God, the greatest need of man is God. Their greatest need is to to hear the truth about Him, the truth about themselves, the reality of hell, the meaning of the cross and the miracle of regeneration. This is their greatest need! To deprive them of their greatest need is one of the greatest crimes in the pulpit.

Finally, lets take a look at "Joy and laughter should be the center of our lives not condemnation and negative preaching." The fallacy of such statement is not hard to understand. Joy and laughter are not the center of our lives. God is the center. And being with God does not mean you will receive earthly prosperity all the time. Yes, there is a promise of heavenly fortune but that is but a small gift compared to the one and only gift that matters: Christ.

And because preachers no longer talk about the real Jesus and instead offer a jesus who does everything they want, winks over their sin and hugs sensuality, the sheep of God starve and they no longer see why Jesus is the greatest Gift of all.

About negative preaching, it depends again on how you are going to define such. If negative preaching to you is telling people what they really are and what God really is, then you're lost. But if negative preaching for you is talking all about condemnation without explaining the finished work of Christ on the cross or the reality of regeneration, then I am inclined to agree that, indeed, such preaching is negative and not helpful.
I hope I was able to shed light in the issue of "preachers condemning people".

Lord willing, I'll be posting more question-answer type of articles to address most of the issues in modern day Christianity.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Dear Father, before Your Most Holy Presence I come. I beseech Thee, trembling and afraid but with confidence and assurance that I can run into the forbidden space that no angel could dare enter, all thanks to Your Son, Christ Jesus, who formed grace, appeased Your wrath and forged Your holy Nation by His atoning blood.

Before Your throne I stand, weak but strengthened, lost but saved, in danger but rescued, all in accordance to the finished work of Your Son on the cross of Calvary. Oh how blessed is the one who looks at Thee! How privileged is man to look upon Thee, forgiven and enslaved to Your will! Praise be to Your Name, Lord! His Excellence of excellencies, Comfort of my comforts, Sword of all swords, mighty King of glory, all hail Your blessedness! Angels sing and chant endlessly about Your glory revealed through I, a depraved and puny man!

Lord of Hosts, let my prayer for Your will and kingdom be heard. Out of the sheer mercies of Your throne, I beg Thee to beautify Your Church, that she be aware of Your divine presence, Your flaming holiness, Your unspeakable wrath, Your perfect justice, Your incorruptible love, Your magnificent grace, Your awesome power, Your endless patience, Your sovereign kindness and Your unmatched Lordship over all things, both the living and the dead, from the ends of the universe and the unseen halls of the heavens.

Lord of Power, if it is Your holy will to deprive the Church of her food, that she may starve, learn to seek You in weakness and resolve, then let it be done in accordance to Your good will and purpose. But if it would please You more to bring her to the full counsel of heaven, uplifting her through pristine awareness, glorified, sanctified, with the knowledge of Your attributes, Your will and Your supernatural power on salvation, from justification to the regeneration of sinners, let it be so for the glory of Your sacred Name.

Father, a gentile such as I, adopted to Your family, grafted in the branches of Your blessed tree, remembers clearly Your sacred oath, the new covenant that Ezekiel and Jeremiah spoke of with much fear and trembling. The new covenant set by our Lord, author and finisher of our faith, who maketh man a slave to Your will, persevering till the end, with a changed heart, mind and nature that seeketh You and genuinely desireth Your pleasure... Oh how I wish that these truths be spoken in Your Church, unmarred and undefiled by the wiles of ignorant men and carnal principalities.

Lord of glory, make it easier for Your sons and daughters, that we, the weakest but strongest of all, be found, justified and sanctified, with the full knowledge of Your counsel declared in the Holy Writ. May Your Gospel be continually preached truthfully, powerfully and Biblically in the pulpits of men, in accordance to the foolishness You've declared for the glory of Your Most Holy Name.

Father of goodness, do you delight in Your elect stumbling because of their ignorance and weak stance? Oh yes indeed! For You are God and we are but creatures of despair. Everything You do is right and everything You do has a great purpose, let it be to shatter Your people in pieces to prepare them for eternity, deprive them of Your knowledge that they may starve and cherish You alone or be blessed with overflowing awareness of Thy Word, constantly walking with You in prayer that is not arrested by ignorance. Oh Father! You alone know what is good for us! You alone are right! Let Your will be done! Cover the world with Your knowledge! Let Nations fear You!

Dear God, we, Your elect, petition for the advancement of Your kingdom here on earth, the fulfillment of Your will, the lifting of Your Name, all for the glory of Your Son, in whom You had given all things, that He may wear the crown of preeminence. Let every man know You are a holy God, just and merciful, loving and kind, slow to anger and eternally patient. Let the world repent and be graciously spared, if it pleases You, if not then allow us to at least know You before we are cast into the flames of eternal sorrow. For You are holy and just, the sovereign Lord above all.

No prayer pleases You Lord unless Your hovering Spirit transforms the disabled language of men into the divine language of heaven. Translate mine into Yours, conform my life into Your will, let Yourself be found and in Your mercy and unrivaled compassion, fix our eyes unto You, the only One who really matters in this world of absurdities. Let our names be glorified that men would see us with hatred but know that we are of You. Let we, Your elect, glorify You in every tongue, work and lifestyle we could muster in this fallen world. Allow us to thrive in You alone, dwell in Your presence, with Your Son as the center of our joy and praise, cherished alone in His rightful place in our sensitive hearts that irresistibly respond to You, the divine Maker.

Let Your Church be glorified. Let there be total reformation in our preaching and exegesis, lifestyle and ministry, family and friendship, marriage and eldership, manhood and womanhood, all for the glory of Jesus the Messiah, the Holy One, the sent One and the only One who deserves praise and glory.

Father, in Your infinite blessedness and glory, lift us up for the sake of Your own Name. Let nothing strangle us, no serpent defile us, no evil dominate us, no problem pierce us, no lie deceive us and no sin draw us away and instead let us be placed in Your rich shelter, the fragrance of the Christ, that even if we struggle and fail, be deceived and sin, be cast down in loss and poverty, Your Name be glorified and proclaimed in accordance to Scripture, the Word, Your very breath that giveth life to dead bones. Do all these for Your glory that if an angel might look upon us, he would fall flat on his face worshiping You for Your unfathomable love that is holy, sovereign and motivated by no one outside of You.

Lord, revive Your Church, cast us into repentance and faith, sorrow and joy, despair and hope, sadness and gladness, all for Him who set us free from the just curse of our lineage. Let us be saved as one, regenerate as one, breathe as one, live as one and be knowledgeable and fruitful, with much pleasure and pruning. We hold on to the promises of Your new and fulfilled covenant that driveth all heavenly beings to bend their knees in worship and awe, amazed by Your sovereign decisions and actions. By Your Word we believe, have trust and live. By Your Spirit we thrive, exist and worship. We have irrevocable victory by Emmanuel, whom we imitate, cherish and behold as the Giver and Taker of all life, the just and holy Judge of the white day and the Husband of the Bride, Your Church born in Zion the mountain of the Lord, glowing and fragrant with the true Gospel of the Lamb. To all these I say, amen, in the Name of the beginning and the end, amen to the Lord of lords and King of kings.