Friday, October 24, 2008


If you're a child of the King, nothing of this world can satisfy you. Nothing!

-Paul David Washer

Thursday, October 23, 2008


A realization has to be written. A truth must be spoken. Alas! I know this note will surely grieve many but such an atrocious delusion must be exposed. I must confess: the way we define love in this generation will disgust the Author of it.

How can we tell when people love us? Well, according to the world, "the one who loves me is the one who affirms me, who says that I'm special or who builds me up." Sorry but this is rather a twisted point of view. It is expected though. This thinking is natural; coming from a fallen world where man thinks he is deserving and the beneficiary of everything.

If you would seek the counsel of the Scriptures, you would realize that this thinking is partly right and yet is brilliantly used out of context. The best delusions are mixtures of truth and falsehood. But truth is oil and the world is water. They can never be mixed. Truth mixed with falsehood is no longer true. An example would be the serpent's lie in the garden. Another would be the tempting words thrown by Satan to Christ in the desert. Satan, the great deceiver, was so brilliant in quoting verses. The prince of darkness did so accurately, without a single mistake.. except for one: he used the Scriptures out of context.

So going back, the idea of "the one who loves me is the one who affirms me" isn't true. It is true that those who love us affirm us BUT they do not affirm us by going with the things that we like to do. They affirm us by teaching us the truth.

The principle that says "what sounds good to me is right & what is not is wrong" is not only unbiblical but grossly selfish and immoral. Sorry for the harsh words, but we don't gauge our lives on what sounds good to our ears or what we feel is right. I'm sure you, by instinct, know that. We gauge it on one thing: the truth. The question that we should ask when someone is teaching is not "does it feel right?"; rather, it should be "its painful to hear but is it true? because if it is, then we should conform ourselves to it"

As a Christian, I believe that the Bible is the only absolute truth. My thinking, my philosophy or even my experience does not count unless they are affirmed by Scripture. We must seek to radically conform ourselves to the truth. If not, well, the Bible says, we would be like men building a house on sand. A comical illustration but true to anyone who refuses to submit to the truth.

Aaron Messner enlightens us on one of the signs of genuine love:

For many of us, our rule of life goes something like this: 'To love me, is to affirm me. It is to tell me that I am wonderful. I am special.' I ask, 'Is that really the sign of true love? Is it unconditional affirmation? Unconditional support? Unconditional praise?' You know, that may be a picture of love in our world, but if we look to the Scriptures in an effort to answer these questions, we actually get a very different picture of love. Who loves you? Well, you may be able to summarize scriptural teaching in this way: 'The one who loves me is the one who labors to tell me the truth, and is willing to sacrifice themselves so that I may come to know that truth and conform my life to that truth.' Let me say that again, 'Scripturally speaking, the one who loves who loves me is the one who is willing to tell me the truth, and is not just willing to say what is true but is willing to sacrifice themselves in order to help me come to understand what is true and follow what is true.'

If you really love a person, the last thing you want her to do is to believe a lie. Paul just wrote a very painful letter to the Corinthians but he said he did it out of love "with much weeping". Paul sacrificed his reputation and public image to tell men the truth about themselves and the truth about Christ. Isn't that what real love is? To labor in telling men the truth even at the cost of one's life?

Or consider Jesus, He said the heaviest words in Scripture to His sheep, stuff that made people angry to the point that they wanted to kill him, yet can anyone testify that Jesus never loved His people?

The philosophy of the one-who-loves-me-affirms-me drives much of this world - relationships, family and even preaching. Of course we affirm people and we encourage people because we love them. But to do so by altering the message, flattery, apathy or neutrality is no help at all. Bottom line, those who really care for you are those who will tell you the bare truth given that it is said with much love and humility.

We must soften our hearts to listen to the truth. We must seek to conform our lives to it and delight it in because the truth is all we have. Truth is a blessing, not a curse! Its time for us to stop looking for affirmations in our relationships. Or perhaps, its time for us to stop affirming wrong things or looking for ways to flatter the other party to gain their trust. End point? Love one another in the same way Jesus loved us - by truth, by example and by sacrifice.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Just wanted to write down a few things that I need to remember.

1) God is sovereign. Everything has been ordained and even the problems and frustrations that you face are under His governance. The earth is but God's footstool (Isaiah 66:1; Matthew 5:35). Even the devil is subject to His authority. If the prince of this world who deceive us daily is under God's rule, is there anything else that is not?

2) Blame no one, for God has ordained things to happen. Do not be frustrated with anything, even your Church. Everything has a purpose. Besides, no sparrow falls to the ground without His will. Your job is to be faithful to Him and His Word. That's all you should be worrying about.

3) Submit to every authority for God has placed them there. If they have a problem, God will deal with them. It is not our place to take vengeance. Our place is to obey and trust Him in every situation.

4) God is not the author of sin even though the author of sin is under His divine authority.

5) Where there is dissension, do a mental checklist on the following:

*Ask God is if it is of Him or of the enemy
*Remember, God has ordained it to happen but that doesn't mean that you're just going to sit around and be idle
*Dwell in God's presence through prayer and Scripture as long as you can before making any move
*Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, bless those who hate you - this does not mean to tolerate what they are doing, but to make a stand and show that you love them at the same time
*Blame no one. Point fingers on no one or you shall be accusing God Himself. Instead, seek to remedy the situation in God's way.
*Judge not with your mind. See everything from God's point of view and pray unceasingly in accordance to the grace of God.
*Give a call to repentance and be the first one to kneel. Set an example to everyone and show them who your God is with your life.
*If they remain wicked, seek God's will. If they still won't repent, do not pass judgment! Let God do it! Shake the dust of your feet and leave without grudge. Do not hate them for you would be like them if not for God! Instead, plead for mercy and go on to the next area that God would lead you to.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


When I got up early this morning, I was surprised to see that the temperature was negative one. It didn't stay like that the whole day but I realized that fall is almost over. The cold, the temperature drops, the morning frosts, all these signs point to one inevitable conclusion: winter is coming.

I love winter. Besides my mom, I have yet to find another individual who shares the same admiration I have for the most hated season of all. I don't play in the snow but I love to see it fall. I admire an empty street filled with nothing but snow. It can be hectic sometimes when snow turns to ice, still, in my sight, it never loses its beauty. The extremely cold temperature is also great. Not only does it allow women to put more clothes on but it also keeps most people at home. I get to see a different side of Toronto. Lastly, the sound of crunching snow when I walk just completes the i-love-winter scheme in my mind.

Anyways, its been a long and hard season for me but one that is beautiful to behold. I've learned a lot and its good to keep them in writing so I can be reminded about them.

January of this year was the month that God opened my heart to a higher level of understanding with the help of a friend.

February to March were the months I struggled with reformed theology, night and day.

April was when God finally revealed what was lacking in me and my mind was set on one thing: tell others about this amazing Gospel that we've lost. Its like "We made a mistake guys. All of us were deceived, but guess what? the food has been on the table ever since.. start asking questions and dig in!!"

May was when I realized that it is not my job to see the results are met. I obey God, He take care of the results.

June was a hard time of revelation. God revealed the many "little" sins that I commit on a daily basis. They were so subtle that I would mistake them for "good".

July, I learned that the Church is Christ's Bride, not mine. God will deal with His Church. But until I learn to love and trust Him completely, He will not step in.

August-September-October were my growing months. I've grown a lot thanks to His unmatched, parenting style. Even my view of growth changed.

Below are some of the stuff I learned throughout this year:

1) We are not growing so that one day we can keep God away and live our lives independently. We grow so that one day we can live without the world, with God alone as our Master. We don't grow out of God. We grow into God.

2) Every authority on earth has been ordained by God. To disrespect them even in thought is a direct offense against God. If they're doing something wrong, God will deal with them. As for us, our role is to obey and submit so that none will have a word against us.

3) Satan did a fine job at us. He did screwed our brains pretty badly. Lots of work has to be done. Start now!

4) Contrary to the popular belief, Christianity is very liberating. God takes care of your needs, you take care of His business. Yep, its only His business that you are called to worry about. What can be more liberating than that?

5) Your family is not perfect but they love you sincerely. They may also not express their love in the way you expect. Nevertheless, honor and cherish them all the time. They should be able to look at you and know that you love them. In my case, I have a bigger duty to them. My goal is that each of them would one day be totally devoted to that Man who shed His blood on that tree.

6) Culture sucks. Filipino or Canadian, it doesn't matter. We gauge our lives not on culture or experience but solely on the Word of God.

7) The tiniest sins that we let pass daily are the deadliest ones. They eat your soul slowly and establish a stronghold that will not be easy to break.

8) If its hard to keep up in your spiritual life, check if you've prayed sincerely, read your Bible and wrestled with the devil.. (learned from a friend)

9) Other Christians can hear God too. Are you so special? hmm I thought so.. (learned from a friend)

10) When you feel alone, despised or miserable, simply remember what you are: you didn't deserve anything yet look at the cross and see what you got.

11) A pure life is the best testimony, best sermon and best apologetic course you can ever offer to unbelievers.



It is ever the Holy Spirit’s work to turn our eyes away from self to Jesus; but Satan’s work is just the opposite of this, for he is constantly trying to make us regard ourselves instead of Christ. He insinuates, “Your sins are too great for pardon; you have no faith; you do not repent enough; you will never be able to continue to the end; you have not the joy of his children; you have such a wavering hold of Jesus.” All these are thoughts about self, and we shall never find comfort or assurance by looking within. But the Holy Spirit turns our eyes entirely away from self: he tells us that we are nothing, but that “Christ is all in all.”

Remember, therefore, it is not thy hold of Christ that saves thee-it is Christ; it is not thy joy in Christ that saves thee-it is Christ; it is not even faith in Christ, though that be the instrument-it is Christ’s blood and merits; therefore, look not so much to thy hand with which thou art grasping Christ, as to Christ; look not to thy hope, but to Jesus, the source of thy hope; look not to thy faith, but to Jesus, the author and finisher of thy faith.

We shall never find happiness by looking at our prayers, our doings, or our feelings; it is what Jesus is, not what we are, that gives rest to the soul. If we would at once overcome Satan and have peace with God, it must be by “looking unto Jesus.” Keep thine eye simply on him; let his death, his sufferings, his merits, his glories, his intercession, be fresh upon thy mind; when thou wakest in the morning look to him; when thou liest down at night look to him. Oh! let not thy hopes or fears come between thee and Jesus; follow hard after him, and he will never fail thee.

“My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness:
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”

- C.H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening - June 28 Devotion


Sometimes we wonder where God is. Sometimes we ask how could He let bad things happen to His people. I used to wonder the same things too until I understood His purpose in me.

God's purpose in us is revealed in Ezekiel 36:

25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

This is the new covenant that God has promised to all those who would repent and believe in the Gospel. I am deeply convinced by Scripture that this is the primary purpose of God to His people. It is not His primary will to grant us earthly prosperity even though we receive such blessings. His deepest desire for us is that we may be "cleansed from our impurities and idols". And what does this mean? Well how do you cleanse a child with dried mud on his face? Do we merely sprinkle water and hope it washes the mud? Nay, we get a towel, wet it and scrub it off. How do we remove impurities from gold? Soak it in chemicals? Nay, that won't really do anything. Gold must pass through a furnace heated below its melting point. In that way, all those impurities will melt away living the real gold intact and unharmed. All these analogies point out to the way God works.

You see first thing you must admit is that you need cleansing. You need serious help. You don't only need to be forgiven for your sins. You also need to be cleansed from your sins. Charles Leiter, one of those old school preachers, once said: "Man has only two real problems. One, he is under the condemnation of sin. Second, he is under the power of sin." Problem number one is solved when we repent and believe in the Gospel (Mark 1:15). We are saved from the wrath to come by grace through faith alone in Christ. But the second problem still remains. How then shall it be resolved? The washing of the Holy Spirit in regeneration. The Son eternally justifies us. The Holy Spirit continually sanctifies us.

We are not just kids with dried mud in our faces or raw gold with many impurities. We are men drenched in sin. Sin has become so natural to us that we don't even know how deep our sin goes. It has corrupted our very natures and believe it or not, prior to conversion, we are enemies of God.

Thus, how does God teach us strength? How will God remove the idols of our lives or cleanse our impurities? He throws us into the furnace with love. God is more concerned with our spiritual state than our self-esteem. He will corner us into a situation where we would have no choice but to trust Him. He will put us in situations where our patience will be tested or real righteousness will be learned. He can take some things from us, especially those we take pleasure from, in the same way He did with Job. Or perhaps, bless us abundantly in such a way that we would be ashamed, realizing that we don't deserve anything.

Looking back at the needle holes I went through, I am glad to have a God who loved me so much that He threw me into the furnace. Make no mistake, He does not wish for us to perish. He takes no joy in watching us suffer. But He loves us so that He does these things not only for our sakes but for the good of His Name. Besides, shouldn't diamonds be cut to make them more beautiful? Or should not the vine dresser trim the vine branches to make them bear more fruit?

More so, does not the Father have the right to discipline His children? Does not the Father have the right to teach His children heavenly manners to prepare them for the coming banquet? Does not the God of this universe have the right to finish the work He began with all His sons that they may be acceptable to Him on the day of judgment?

Let us be thankful in every situation. Good or bad, joyful or sorrowful, all these things work out for good. Our God is a sovereign God and no sparrow falls down to the ground without Him knowing. Believe. Trust. Obey. Lets do all these things like children with fear and trembling; all for His glory.


David Chan offers a Biblical theory: click here.

Bottom line is we must learn to be salty again. By virtue of Christ and our regenerate natures, we are salt and we must continually seek Him in prayer and saturate our lives with His Word to remain "salty".


A great video for all Christians, not just youth leaders. With much love and humility, I urge everyone to take heed.


Click here to see a post about the five solas of reformation and what is happening to modern-day evangelicalism.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The Arminian can argue as much as he wants that man is free but in prayer, he can never pray as one. Fancy him saying:

“Lord, I thank thee I am not like those poor presumptuous Calvinists Lord, I was born with a glorious free-will; I was born with power by which I can turn to thee of myself; I have improved my grace. If everybody had done the same with their grace that I have, they might all have been saved. Lord, I know thou dost not make us willing if we are not willing ourselves. Thou givest grace to everybody; some do not improve it, but I do. There are many that will go to hell as much bought with the blood of Christ as I was; they had as much of the Holy Ghost given to them; they had as good a chance, and were as much blessed as I am. It was not thy grace that made us to differ; I know it did a great deal, still I turned the point; I made use of what was given me, and others did not-that is the difference between me and them.”

-Charles Hadon Spurgeon

Friday, October 17, 2008


Contentment is a grace that too few have. I also struggle with contentment sometimes. It is easy to be content when everything is going well but when things are not falling into place, this is were it gets tough.

From the ancient times to this present age, contentment has been hard to find. Satan and his angels had the glories of heaven and yet were not content. David had many wives but he still could not sleep contently at night without Bethsheba, a wife of another, beside him. Adam and Eve had the abundance of the garden all to themselves and yet they could not restrain their flesh for a single tree. Haman was the chief favorite of the Persian king but was not content until Mordecai hang on a seventy-five feet high gallows.

Greed, the desire to excel, surpass or possess something which we should not have, is one of the deepest forms of treason against the Holy Deity of Heaven. The urge for things beyond our measure, the desire of a mere creation to act as creator and the longing to be highly praised are the vilest elements of Adam’s blood, which courses through the veins of all his fallen children.

The more we fill ourselves with our wants, the emptier we will be. The more we fill our barns with grain or bury treasures for ourselves, the more discontent and unsatisfied we will be. The fleeting things of this world can never fill us because our hearts were designed for an eternal purpose. We were never meant to please ourselves. God, as an act of mercy, has designed our hearts to be satisfied with Him alone. If God had not done so, we would fall into greater depravity, totally given over to the pleasures of this world.

We were meant for the glory of God. Only by receiving His grace and working for His benefit can we truly be content and happy. A poor man can be happier than any rich king if he knows that God has shown mercy on him. An old widow, barren and abandoned all her life, can still leap in joy when she finds out that God never forsook her. A lone farmer will never tire working night and day if he understands that he is working for a great Savior who is infinitely worthy!

There is little contentment in this world because few know the judgment and condemnation that all men are subject to. We do not fully see the need for Christ or genuinely esteem Him because we do not know how much we have been forgiven. We find so little contentment because we don’t know how much was given to us undeservingly on the cross.

In the words of J.C. Ryle, “Few know their own sin; few feel their desert; and so few are content with such things as they have. Humility, self-knowledge, a clear sight of our own utter vileness and corruption; these are the true roots of contentment.

How shall we be content? Know the roots of our sin. Know the judgment that we so deserve and understand the holy wrath of God that is so rarely preached in this decade. Do not think well of yourself or let yourself be deceived. Instead, recognize the depth of your depravity. If you apprehend all these, you will have little trouble with contentment. Of course, you will still struggle, but you will realize the worth and value of the Lord of lords more than anything else. Nothing else will mean to you but the glory of God and you shall find yourself running recklessly to Him with pure motives. As the prostitute knelt and wept at the foot of the Messiah, so will anyone who has understood his illness and need for a Savior. Only by such can we truly be healed from greed, dissatisfaction and spiritual apathy.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Its been a very busy season for me which is why I was also unable to continue with this series. To be honest, I don't even know if I can finish this series or post something else after this second part.

If you haven't read the first part yet, please click here.

Anyways, unto the next difference..

Difference number 3:
Courtship says "Pursue the woman in whom God is leading you to and direct all your attention and efforts to her alone, considering no one else". Dating says "Yep, go for one woman but be open to others too. Being too exclusive is not healthy for you."

This is pretty much self-explanatory. Plus "Being too exclusive is not healthy" is obviously a lie even though many believe it. I've heard "the being too exclusive is bad" speech from a lot of my male friends and they all know I disagree with it. I don't even have to point to Scripture to disprove such belief. I only have to look at how a healthy, married, God-exclusive, Christian couple looks like or how Jesus, Himself, was exclusive to His Bride (Church).

Anyways, to pursue one woman at the time isn't enough to say "Yeah, I'm a stick to one kind of guy". You also have to be closed to others. Yep, that's right! To pursue one woman means to be closed to others too. This is where it comes down to. You can't promise to give your heart to one lady then open your heart to several behind her back.

I know this sounds hypocritical. Still, if you are seriously courting a woman whom you potentially want to marry, shouldn't you consider only ONE? I know its hard but if you've really matured, I don't see a problem in considering only one girl and no one else.

Besides, trust me, this is all for our benefit. The more you give yourself to obedience, the more you'll find yourself happy. The opposite is true. The more you give yourself to sensuality, worldliness or sexual immorality, the more you'll feel alone, miserable and abandoned. Its just a fact. Ask anyone who's given themselves to worldly thinking.

Difference number 4:
Courtship says "To get to know her, observe her from a distance first as friends." Dating says "Get to know her NOW! Be intimate or else you'll never experience her to see if she's really for you"

I know many of you would argue, "but if you don't intimate with her or at least experience her at a closer level, how you will you know if she's fit for you?"

Against such argument these are my reasons:

1) First of all, intimacy is not a pre-requisite to "knowing a woman". You don't need to be really intimate with a woman to get to know her. I know some of you would say "but we need to experience her at least!". That is acceptable. To experience her as a friend is Biblically sound. However, be warned. Experience does not precede learning. Satan sold the same lie to Adam and Eve and look what happened. "Go! Experience the fruit first then learn! If you become gods, amen! if you don't well, at least you'll learn...", these are the mumblings of the serpent. Give in to this and you'll just be as miserable as Adam and Eve. The Bible says "learn first, then experience". Besides, Christians don't gauge their lives on experiences unless they are weighed against Scripture and found to be right. Christian life is based solely on their Master's Word.

2) Secondly, distant observation in the context of friendship has advantages. Believe me. There are some women there, who as soon as they know that you like them, they'll just change their attitude to gain more attention. And you, being the flirt, wanting to give more attention do the same. Now, of course, not all men or women are like that. In fact, some that I know do it unintentionally. Both sides love the attention so I guess they just "respond".

Anyways, by distant observation (not in the context of a stalker but a friend ^_^) you'll see how she really behaves. You will see her as she really is. There will be no "artificial covering" or "superficial flavoring" hehe. You will see her in a natural setting. According to Joshua Harris, a fellow blogger and a famous author of many books, dating creates an artificial environment where both members of the opposite sex (ESPECIALLY THE MEN) are trying to woo each other through superficial attitudes. I believe this is true and so do you.

3) The context of friendship allows you to experience her in a "normal" relationship without the pressure of "looking good for her" or vice versa. I don't know for you but its deeply liberating. I mean, I don't really need to spend much time thinking if I wore the right shirt or not (horrible example lol) because she's not aware of my feelings and I have no intention of getting intimate with her in anyway. I'm a casual friend who's on the look out. That's all.

But of course, you don't keep your feelings to yourself forever. Although you definitely have to guard yourself while praying, you must also try to examine yourself if you're ready for a relationship while waiting. Are you considering the possibility of marriage with her? Are you willing to go all the way to the altar with her if she decides to make herself vulnerable to you? Are you ready to assume the responsibilities of caring for her and leading her in her spiritual life? These are questions that we have previously discussed in my first entry and they all have to be taken seriously.

That's it for now... 'till next time... hopefully there is still a next time ^_^

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We have often heard that "God is worthy" but how is it that this truth no longer holds a strong impact in this present age? The recognition of God's infinite worth has not only encouraged believers but has driven them to their deaths, which they joyfully embraced for the glory of the Lord. Indeed, such is the predicament of every believer who has been mastered by the Gospel.

But why is it that we see so little fire in this present generation? Why is it that despite all our evangelism and the availability of the many resources which the early Church did not have, we find so little motivation even amongst those who truly belong to Him? I believe there are three answers to this one question and we shall examine each carefully.

First is because we have relied on individual verses rather than the whole context of Scriptures. I am deeply convinced by historical evidence that a verse loses its worth and meaning when it is isolated from its Scriptural context and used all the time without taking heed to the entire meaning of the passage. For example, "God is worthy". But how is God worthy? On what basis has He proven Himself to be worthy of praise? If we isolate such a glorious statement from its original context, it loses its meaning. Isolation along with mindless repetition converts an awesome, man-conquering statement into a quaint maxim that has no real power against the darkness.

A perfect illustration for this is when visiting a museum. If you visit a museum with the knowledge of all the artifacts and their historical significances, you would leap with joy for every object you see. As you glance from window to window, you would be overwhelmed with pleasure as experiences and memories flood back to your mind. The next thing you know is that you are running recklessly in an attempt to explore the entire place at once. However, if you visit a museum repeatedly (repetition of a Biblical verse) without understanding the historical significance of the items present (isolation of the verse from its original passage/meaning/context), even an extremely historically significant object such as the ark of the covenant would not interest you in any way.

The second answer is our faulty evangelism. The Gospel preaching of this present age is based on wall street marketing than the Word of God. And I praise God for the many Christians who have realized this and stood up against the seeker-sensitive movement!

Even secular statistics have proven that our post-modern, seeker-sensitive evangelism methods have barely brought genuine conversions. None of these methods work because none of them were meant to work. We have failed to realize the earnest operations of salvation: salvation is of the Lord and so it is a supernatural work of God. Having said that, no amount of coercing can lead a person to Christ. God, Himself, has to move in order for genuine conversion to occur. God the Holy Spirit is the one and only mover in the process of being "born again" which is why it is also referred to as being "born of the Spirit" in John chapter 3. For this reason, Paul states that he can only plant the seeds of the Gospel and Apollos can but water them because it is God alone who can make them grow.

Thus, we can reduce the Gospel to make it more appealing as much as we want or dumb down the cross to facilitate easy-believism, but if God does not move, nothing will happen. On the first place, we should not even alter the message of Christ! Such action is not only a betrayal to God but an insult of the deepest form. It is for this reason that Paul admonishes the Galatians (Gal 1:6-10):

6I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! 9As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!

10Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Take note that Paul repeatedly pronounces a curse to anyone, man, angel or mystical spirit, who changes the message. He then ends in verse 10 "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ", meaning that the Gospel is not to be changed for the pleasure of men and that all our preaching must be in accordance to the sound doctrine of God.

There is absolutely no reason to water down the Gospel. Such is an atrocity not only against Jesus, who died in the place of the guilty, but against His beloved bride whom He gave His life for. When we reduce the Gospel in accordance to the flesh, we starve the glorious bride, deprive her of the knowledge of her Husband and allow worldly suitors to visit her. God has ordained that the preaching of the Gospel be the means in which men would come to faith and call upon Him (Romans 10:14-15,17). Such is the reason why Paul declares in Romans 1:16 - "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto the salvation of man.."

And let us also not forget that man by nature is at enmity with God. So why on earth would we conform the very Gospel in which we stand (1 Corinthians 15:1) to a carnal and depraved mind that sees itself as wise? To even think of such is not only grossly irresponsible of us but also a crime and treason of the highest form against the heavenly Deity.

Now, as of the third answer to why we see so little fire even amongst those who truly belong to Him, we shall look at but an extension of the second reason. The third reason to the given dilemma is that we see little fire even among the sheep of God because we do not preach the Gospel in full.

This is but a sequel to the second argument. If the second reason says it is because of our faulty preaching, the third reason is because of our lack of preaching. It is not enough that we abstain from altering the message of Christ. We also have to preach it wholly and faithfully based on the full counsel of the Lord. Now, what does that mean?

To esteem God in His perfect beauty, we must first understand His perfect worth. But how are we to understand or realize His perfect worth? It is through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes, but how? How shall we preach the message of salvation? By the full counsel of God. Yes, but what does that mean? It means to take the Word of Truth, toe to toe and preach it toe to toe.

In simple words, if we are to preach the Gospel we must realize that we must first start with the carnal and deadly condition of all mankind. We must preach sin, judgment and hell. Only then can man truly understand his depravity and realize the worth of this great God who hath saved Him from His own wrath.

We have heard that preaching is about sowing seeds, but this is only partially true. Preaching does not only involve sowing seeds but plowing the soil as well. How shall the soil be prepared to receive the seeds if we do not labor in plowing the land? The same thing goes for our preaching. As the apostles and the prophets of old did, we must prepare the hearts of men for receiving Christ by preaching about sin and its eternal consequences. The prophets and the disciples have labored night and day for this single, honorable task. Yes, such burden did all the great men of God in our past bore even unto their graves.

We are to preach about man's condemnation for him to see the need for salvation. How shall unbelievers seek the keys when they do not know that they are prisoners? Or how shall they comprehend and esteem the worth of the Messiah if they do not know that they were captives of the dark, dead in their trespasses? Shall we not also warn them about the words of the prophet Jeremiah: The heart is deceitful above all things... (Jeremiah 17:9) and command their ears to listen as Christ did? And isn't this real love for both God and men? To tell men the truth at the cost of our lives is one of the deepest forms of love because such action exhibits genuine selflessness towards our fellowmen and true devotion to the one true God.

Ah, even our beloved brother, the crucified thief, who was the very proof that salvation is not of works, realized that he deserved such torment. Thus, he saw his desperate need for Christ and so cried out to the Messiah to "remember him when His reign cometh".

Our hearers must realize their disposition against an infinitely holy God that they might recognize their desperate need for a Savior. They must also understand that they, as with the entire race of Adam, are all guilty and rightfully condemned under the wrath of the Lamb unless we repent and believe in the Good News (Mark 1:15). Only by man's recognition of his sinfulness and need to repent can he truly embrace the Gospel by faith and be saved.

With much love and humility, let us preach the Gospel wholly and faithfully that many may hear and be baptized under the Name hallowed above all. Let us join our Master in the scandal, teaching everything He has taught us.

Soli Deo Gloria!