Thursday, July 3, 2008


Love in this perishing world is also perishing. The only way to sustain our love for our loved ones is to continually seek the grace of God through His Word. Do not believe is trivial things such as "True human love lasts forever". The only love that will last for eternity is the love of our Father. Anything we define as love that is outside of our Father's love is absurd. Our love, as powerful and heartfelt as it may be, is only a shadow of God's love and fidelity for His people. If we still have not accepted that our love is bound to fail, we will only be disappointed at our failures.

"But lo, I am here" says the Lord. It is true that we fail but it is also true that God, in this life or the next, is with us. Yes, we may utterly fail in our duties or lose control in anger with our loved ones but God, who is faithful, will make things right for His children. In a sense, we are to accept that we are failures. But now that we have the Lord in our new regenerate life, we are to enjoy victory.

For children, love your parents failingly, accepting that you cannot love them as God does but victoriously, accepting that by the grace of our Lord, anything is possible.

For young men, seek to love your young women in a godly relationship that is fully grounded on the Word of God. To love them means to lead them in spiritually and to cut down anything in your relationship that is of the flesh. In diligence and humility, with trembling knees and a worshiping heart, continually approach God's blessed throne together in prayer for guidance, renewal and sustenance.

For husbands, love your wives with continual dependence on God and His Word. Persevere and believe that God has a purpose for everything. Seek also to depend on one another in everything. Be as one body, one mind and one spirit as you worship Him daily.

For grandfathers, its time to pass your love, memories and wisdom to the next generation. Be glad, your time here is almost up.

Have peace with the Lord.


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