here is something really wrong with modern day, professing Christians. I've tried to deny it for the past years but the more I get involved with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, the more I realize that we really need a revival. I was happy to know that more and more people are coming to Christ. Statistics and history tells us that there are more people that profess to be followers of Jesus today than the last century. So many have become Christians. So many have been converted. So many have professed to follow Jesus. Christians are crowding the world! At least that's how I used to think.
Modern day Christianity has a serious problem.
The Bible tells us to examine ourselves in light of Scripture to see if we are in the faith. "Am I living in holiness? Am I continually repenting from my sins? Am I living in godliness? Am I separated from the world? Is there a radical transformation going on in my life? If I put myself beside unbelievers, will my light shine? Will they notice that I am different? Or will I just look like everyone else?" These are the questions we should be asking ourselves. Compare yourselves, not with the majority of professing Christians, but with Scripture.
I am tired of hearing excuses like, "Well holiness is a looong process", or "Everybody sins, no one is perfect". These are the excuses and lies fanned by Satan so we can put God away and play around with the world! You see Satan doesn't want us to change! He wants us to do away with God so he'll use every bit of Scripture against us. Its true that holiness is a long process but that doesn't give as an excuse to indulge in worldliness and earthly things. And if you genuinely believe that it is indeed a looong process then why not start now?! "Well, everybody sins", that's true but the thing is that's exactly the reason why you need to repent and come the the Lord Jesus Christ!
Conversion is not a flu shot. Its not a one-time activity where you cry and pray that the Lord will save you. It is a lifetime, miraculous event wherein the Spirit is continually transforming rotten rags into Christ-like saints. The Gospel calls for change. That's why if there's no change in your life, no work of the Spirit, no fire, no hunger for righteousness and no separation from the world, then there's a good chance that you're not really saved. What you have is a false fire; a false excitement created by the pleasure of being with your friends in Church or by the feeling of fulfillment whenever you do something "good".
Listen, I am not trying to be hard. Just think about it. Read the Scriptures and see for yourself what kind of life God wants us to live. If you're not a struggling Christian then you're not a Christian at all. If you're not battling with lust, pride or worldliness everyday then you are a slave to this world. A slave of this world will never have conflict. He is a friend of the world. He does what the world does. He talks like the world. He acts like the world. He loves the music of the world. He laughs at the things God hates. His heroes are worldly heroes who do not revere the Name of the One who created life. He dresses like the world and watches movies and TV shows that God despises. He loves so much of the world! And he just can't get enough! He's so arrogant that he thinks he's matured enough that he can play around with fire. He goes back to Church every Sunday and feels convicted for a moment then goes back to the world again! He goes back to start the vicious cycle all over again as if nothing has happened.
The work of the Spirit is no ordinary work. It is not like those Psychology books or self-help books that people read. Experiences and psychology books can change your life. They can even change your attitude towards things and influence the decisions that you make. But the moment persecution comes and everything fails, you throw away all that you've learned. But the work of the Spirit is different. It will Radically Change your heart, your life and your attitude. It will convict you and tear your heart apart whenever you sin. It will drive you to preach the Gospel like a madman screaming for the glory of the Lord. It will cause you to do things that is completely against your human nature. And even if you fail, the Spirit will keep you standing. God is not mocked. If He says that the Spirit will transform us and infuse us with Christ-like character then it really will.
So if there's no work of the Spirit in your life, if there's no evidence of transformation, if there's no change.. then you're not really saved. I'll bet that the moment your friends leave the Church you will leave too. I'll bet that the moment persecution comes in Church and your life becomes threatened, you'll run away.
Let me tell you something. If a logging truck running 120 miles per hours and hits you, you'll be blessed that you even survived. But your life will never be the same. It is absolutely impossible to be hit by something as big as a logging truck and not be changed. Now let me ask you: which is bigger? a logging truck or God?
You see it doesn't matter if you profess to know Jesus. What matters is that Jesus knows and acknowledges you as a part of His regenerate body. Let me give you an illustration. If I go to the white house and shout at the gates, "I know President Bush! I know President George Bush! Let me in!" Do you think the guards will let me in? The only way they would let me in is if President Bush comes out and says "I know Michael Borja. Let him in." Its the same thing with the Lord. You can keep shouting on the worship halls "I love Jesus!". You can keep professing that you're a Christian. You can keep attending or even leading Bible studies. But if there's no visible work of God in your life, then you are indeed a vacant body. You got nothing when you heard the Gospel.
But it's not too late. Come back to the Lord Jesus. Come back to God. It's never too late. Repent, believe and put all your faith in Jesus that He may save you. There is no other hope but Him. He loves you and that's why He needs to change you. If you really belong to Him, He will transform you and change your life. And your life will never be the same. If getting hit by a logging truck can change your life forever, how much more will God?
Note: Most illustrations are from Paul Washer's sermons
Thursday, March 13, 2008
True Conversion
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