Tuesday, May 27, 2008


One of the things that I've learned when it comes to spiritual growth is to be patient with the will of the Father. Too many times have I rushed and have done things to perpetuate my growth. I couldn't wait for the hand of God and I wanted to grow in faith badly. What were the results? Confusion, loss and bitterness.

It is true that a Christian must grow in the likeness of Christ but the only determinant of our growth pace is the Holy Spirit, the resident of the regenerate heart. He works inwardly through our daily experiences or the truths of Scripture.

Ah, I am so far from what God wants me to be. And I feel that I am just wasting my life. How in need am I of ever increasing godliness desperately. But lo, God has promised to clothe His Church and prepare her for the coming wedding. So I wait in the will of God, striving in vain to the things that matter and never giving up on the crown set before the narrow path.

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