Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Christianity is not a religion of restraint. It is a religion of freedom. Sure it restrains the flesh but hey! isn't your soul more free with the shutting of the flesh? Christianity is to remove every snake wrapped around you and to untie every rope holding you back. It is freedom from this world, from worries, from carnality and from the agony of an eternal judgment.

The greatest freedom is to be a slave of a perfectly holy God. What a privilege it is to be a slave of the Lord! A slave to a gracious God no longer worries about himself, his needs or his future. They are all taken care of! He does not have plans to prosper himself nor does he indulge in absurd activities that bring no real fruit. He no longer enjoys the pleasures of this world. He no longer finds his generation attractive or relevant. Because the gracious Master promises to provide everything, the only concern a slave of God has is to do His Master's will. No wonder Christ could cast down any burden! Isn't He the only load? Oh, Jesus is my great load that brings no heaviness! How light is His heavy yoke!

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and the rest will be added unto ye."

How the world is truly veiled as Scripture foretells! Woe to the world's definition of "liberty"! How foolish to assume that the more you are dressed in accordance to our sensual culture, the more relevant and liberated you are! Is this not proof that you are a slave to sensuality? And how wicked to proclaim that freedom is to be under no law! Even if grace is under no law, it is not lawless and neither does it produce lawless men!

"A slave of God... Seek ye first... Cast unto Me your burdens... Do not concern yourself with the things of this world... My yoke is light... My grace is sufficient... A slave of God" I find such truths so liberating. I no longer have to concern myself with what to eat or where to live by. I don't even have to worry if I worked hard enough or think that "maybe this could have happened if I was better". No, His grace is sufficient and I am but a slave under a sovereign God. All I am about is complete submission to His will as the Holy Spirit drives me into His hands. I don't have to concern myself with the world, with reputation or with the the carnal things of this planet. I run this race, spending all of my energies on conforming to His will. That's all. That's all my life is about. Doesn't that bring unspeakable joy and comfort to a regenerate heart? Doesn't that fill your day with madness? To be free from worries? My dear Christian, no angel or demon, not even death or hell can bother your sleep. If you are of the Lord, rejoice and be glad! Esteem His Name, cherish His Kingdom and press on the things that further His glory. That's your only concern. That's your only life. And even in doing His will, there is also a promise of sustaining grace. As if salvation were not good enough, the Father provides more than the escape of judgment! He provides the greatest gift: Himself. What unspeakable joy, unmerited privilege and unbelievable honor to be a slave of God!

Live and be free.

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