n this short video clip, Paul Washer preaches the fullness of the truth about the Gospel (See below after reading this article).
No wonder the Gospel has no power in our lives. We have distorted the Gospel and turned it into a gospel: a superstitious, series of steps and magical formulas of ways to get saved. A typical example would be:
STEP 1: Do you know you're a sinner? "Yes."
STEP 2: Do you want to get to heaven? "Yes."
STEP 3: Do you want to pray a prayer to ask Jesus to come into your life? "Yes."
STEP 4: If you prayed sincerely, you are saved now. Go to our Church, pray and read the Bible. "I'll do that."
Anyone would say "yes" to these questions. Believe me, everybody knows they're not perfect, they all want to get to heaven and they most certainly would want to pray a prayer that will get them there. These questions skip the essence of God's nature, man's depravity, the fullness of Jesus' sacrificial work and the regeneration brought about by the Holy Spirit. Try looking into the following steps (and also see the response for every question! The Truth is always in conflict with man's nature!) and compare them with the above gospel preaching and see what hath befallen Modern Christianity.
STEP 1: Do you know that the Bible says in Romans 3:10-20, 23 that we are sinners and therefore, are God's enemies? We are the farthest thing from God. Even Paul, himself, considers himself as God's enemy.
"What! That maybe but I also do good!"
Do you know what God's justice is?
"Of course. He will uplift the poor and punish the wicked."
True. Here's the problem, we are sinful and we must be punished.
"What! I know I'm not perfect but I'm not sinful! I also pray you know! God would not punish me! He loves me!"
I'm sure He loves you but lets read this passages: Isaiah 59, Romans 3-6. Based on what we've read, nothing is left for us but judgment. We all have sinned and we must all suffer the consequences of our sin. The issue is not that we have broken the law, the issue is that we have been continually breaking the law. Just think about how many times have we sinned in our thoughts? And how much more in our actions?
"True but I also do good to cover up my sin. I am a good person!!! I will not be punished!"
STEP 2: Do you know that good works cannot save you and apart from God's grace you cannot be saved? Let's read Galatians chapter 3-6 and Ephesians chapter 2 and let's pay attention to the last verses. So based on what we've read, what does it tell you? I know its hard to stomach but what does the Bible tells us?
"That we were only saved by grace so that no one can boast.. and that we cannot be saved by just keeping the law."
Do you understand now why we must be punished?
"No. I still don't! God loves me! Why in the world would he punish me??? It's you who must be punished for telling me this!"
I'll give you an example, lets say I robbed a bank. I was caught and all the evidence (including medical records and mental status history) that was gathered showed that I was 100% guilty and aware of what I was doing. There was no way I could deny what I did. I am 100% guilty. Now if I stand before the judge and the judge simply lets me go without any form of punishment, do you think the judge was just doing so?
"Of course not! That's actually what's happening today in this world! Criminals are not being punished accordingly!"
Now here's the problem. We are criminals so we must be punished. And we did not sinned once, we have been repeatedly sinning.
"Then no one can be saved if that's what you mean!!! No one will get to heaven!"
Exactly! No one can get to heaven.
"So what's next, are you gonna tell me that there's no heaven?! (laughs sarcastically)"
Its the opposite my friend. There is a heaven and there is a God who loves you. And He did something so you can be reconciled with Him.
"I see. Is this a joke or what?!!! So now God loves me again?!"
God has always loved you but He cannot just let you in at the expense of justice. Going back to the court example, how can the robber get away from the punishment. "Well, he can kill the judge."
Can you kill God?
How else?
"He could deny his sin."
Can we lie before God (reads Titus) and do you know that if we deny our sins we make God a liar? What else?
"I don't know."
Well. There's only one option left. Someone who is just and holy has to take his punishment in his place. If someone does that the law can be satisfied. Agree?
"Right! Someone must bear his punishment because the judge cannot just let him go! But who would do that? you?"
No my friend, that's not possible for me. But Someone, whom all things are possible, did it for you.
STEP 3: I'd like you to read these verses John 3:16-20 then let's also read Isaiah 53 and know for yourself Who saved you and took your punishment.
"For God so loved the world that He (breathes heavily).." (reads the verses) "He hath laid the inequities of us all.."
Who was it and what did He do?
"(Breathes heavily then starts to cry) He saved me! He saved me! I was going to hell but He saved me! He took my sins away! All my sins are gone!!! I'm saved! He loves me! You were trying to tell me this because you want me to realize that I NEEDED A SAVIOUR AND THAT I CANNOT BE RECONCILED WITH GOD ON MY OWN!!! Jesus saved me!!! I'm forgiven. I'm... OH!! PRAISE GOD!!! He suffered for my transgressions! I have been saved by His grace!"
You got ahead of me my friend and that is because the Spirit has worked in you. Yes, Jesus paid for your sins and suffered in your place so that you can be reconciled with Him! The Bible says that thousands of angels rejoice when one soul professes that Jesus is our only Lord and Saviour (not only in words but also in works). Now you know why right?
"I didn't know God loved me this much. God loves me! I've got to tell my neighbors about this! This is the true Gospel! I have heard the gospel before but it was never preached in this way! SO AM I SAVED NOW???"
Well, as we have read, if you put your faith in Him and trust Him with all your heart then you are indeed saved.
STEP 4:I want to lead you in a prayer. Let's praise and thank God for having loved us. If not for us, Jesus would not have to suffer and die. He was resurrected afterwards and because of this we can be sure that He is Lord and God in flesh! Do you want to pray on your own?
"I'm not used to it yet.. I usually pray memorize prayers.."
Alright. I'm gonna lead you okay? But I want to you to be sincere with every word, okay?
Father God, we come before you.. (finishes prayer)
STEP 5: So, what do you think should you do now?
"Praise God for the rest of my life? What else can I do?"
Wow! You got it right away.. I'll introduce you to the Church tomorrow and we'll discuss more about Christian living, okay? There's so much waiting for you.. HOWEVER before I go, I'll give you a very important warning. Let's read the book of First John. (finishes reading)
Now, as we have read, if these things don't happen in your life in the following days or months, then what you have a false fire. If there's no work of the Spirit in you, no desire and hunger for God's Word, no continual repentance, no separation from the world, then YOU'VE GOT NOTHING HERE TODAY. The Gospel calls for change, transformation and separation from the world as we, with all our hearts, worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. If there's no good works, no repentance or no Christ-like character manifesting in your life then you're not really saved. Genuine faith produces fruits. Let's read James chapter 2 (finishes reading). If you really are saved, you will change based on the Spirit's direction. If there's no change, you have to go back to Christ and we'll have to talk again. Sound good to you?
This is the true Gospel not because of its many steps but because of the the fullness of the Truth that is explored and preached. God's loving, holy and just nature was clearly and thoroughly presented. This is the way it must be preached. It will really create conflict but if you persevere through God's grace, we will succeed. But you also have to remember that not everyone will accept this teaching. The above scenario showed sarcastic and angry responses but it could get worse. Some would still hold on to their good works and they will deny their sinfulness. They will kick you out of their house or curse you for telling them the Truth! Still, I urge you to love them and do what you can to win their trust and respect without compromising the Gospel. This is the Gospel that the apostles had died for for preaching the Truth indeed has a cost. But considering what Jesus had done for us, is there anything else we would want? Isn't it a great honor to suffer or die in honor of Him? Isn't to be reconciled with the holy and loving God the greatest thing that can ever happen to us? What more can we ask?
Anyways, if things don't turn out fine like the above scenario, pray earnestly for God to open the way and grant us His grace to persevere in preaching the Truth. Not everyone will believe and not everyone will thread the narrow way-gate which is Jesus, the one true Lord and Saviour. The Gospel is open to all but, sadly, not all will be saved. But do not reduce the Gospel!!! Apply some techniques in presenting them but do not reduce the Truth in a series of silly steps/questions like the first one I showed you. Like I said, everyone will say "yes" to those questions and will think that they're saved. But they have not fully embraced the truth or placed their faith in Him, not living under the fullness of the grace of our Lord, therefore, they will face eternal condemnation on that day of judgment. They will cry "Lord, Lord! Have we not prophesied in Your Name?..." (Matthew 7:21-23)
We do not preach the Truth because we hate men. We are doing this because, first and foremost we want to glorify God, and secondly because we love men and that we want them to fall and bow down in awe and worship.
The first gospel that was presented is not the real one. It is a reduced form of the real Gospel, watered-down into a magical, saving formula that is not only dangerous but will also lead a depraved person to become "even more blind and depraved" to the fullness of God's love and justice. The first gospel produces no fruit. Instead, it produces lukewarm and carnal people who profess that they know the Lord Jesus but live like the rest of the world, still in bondage with sin.
Now do you understand what has happened to modern evangelism today?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Fullness Of The Gospel Preached!
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